About EDC

Data is at the core of any clinical and translational research. To improve data quality and save cost, clinical research is nowadays performed using electronic data capture systems(EDC) providing electronic case report forms (eCRF) instead of paper-based CRFs. Traditionally, the standard method of data capture in clinical research includes two steps. 
In the first step, data is collected using paper-based case
report forms (CRFs).

In the second step, data is manually entered into MS Excel frompaper-based CRFs for the purpose of data analysis. This standard paper-based data capture method is inefficient in terms of data accuracy and timeliness. The alternative to the standard data capture method is the electronic data capture (EDC) method in which data is directly entered into electronic databases using electronic CRFs.

The electronic case report form (eCRF) played a pioneering role in the digitalization and introduction of ever new technologies into clinical research and enjoys great popularity. Automatic evaluation of data by range checks or more complex expressions prevents errors immediately during data acquisition. This avoids elaborative query processing, improves the quality of data and saves costs.

We introduce Medics Electronic Data Capture System to our clinical research community. Medics EDC is an online-based clinical research data capturing system, enabling researchers to capture easily, validate, store, transmit and analyze clinical study data.



  • User-friendly interface
  • Easily create Electronic case report form (eCRF).
  • Easily add Unlimited variables and data elements.
  • Condition for data element and outcome variable.
  • Real-time eCRF entry.
  • Archival of data.
  • Access your data at any time.
  • Condition-based notifications.
  • Export data to MS Excel format.
  • Results: Descriptive statistics.


  • Capture only the data required as per the study protocol.
  • Ensure standardized data collection
  • All data points should be recorded at the time
  • the measurement is taken to avoid errors and streamline further data manipulation.
  • Organize data capture to allow for ease of data entry and analysis.
  • Get personalized advice from our expert team.