Postgraduate Research Services

Protocol Design

Developing meticulous guidelines for research studies to ensure consistency, accuracy, reproducibility, and validity.

Study Design

Developing a comprehensive research plan that outlines the methods and procedures for systematically collecting and analyzing data.

Sample Size Calculation

A tool that helps researchers determine the appropriate sample size needed for their study based on statistical power and significance levels.


Proforma Design

Creating a standardized document or form that outlines the necessary information and data required for a particular task or process.


Unethical practice of using someone else’s work without proper attribution, violating academic integrity and originality.


Utilizing advanced mathematical techniques to accurately analyze and interpret complex data gathered during research studies.

References Formatting

Ensuring that all references used in research papers follow the appropriate citation style guidelines accurately and consistently.


The process of reviewing written work to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax.

Literature Survey

A comprehensive review and analysis of existing literature and research studies related to a particular topic or subject area.

protocol design

Protocol design

Developing meticulous guidelines for research studies to ensure consistency, accuracy, reproducibility, and validity.

study design

Study design

Developing a comprehensive research plan that outlines the methods and procedures for systematically collecting and analyzing data.



Utilizing advanced mathematical techniques to accurately analyze and interpret complex data gathered during research studies.

reference formatting

Reference formatting:

Ensuring that all references used in research papers follow the appropriate citation style guidelines accurately and consistently.

Sample size calculator:

Sample size calculator:

A tool that helps researchers determine the appropriate sample size needed for their study based on statistical power and significance levels.



The process of reviewing written work to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax.

Proforma design

Proforma design

Creating a standardized document or form that outlines the necessary information and data required for a particular task or process.

Literature survey

Literature survey

A comprehensive review and analysis of existing literature and research studies related to a particular topic or subject area.



Unethical practice of using someone else’s work without proper attribution, violating academic integrity and originality.